Cervico - brachial pain

Cervico - brachial pain

Cervicobrachial pain is neck pain and stiffness in the arm and shoulder. It is a disorder of the spinal nerve root. This pain is commonly caused by a spinal disc herniation around the neck or other lesions that causes nerve root inflammation, impingement, or both of these. The pain that goes from your neck-upper back area through to your arm-hand (upper limb) could be related to a compression of the nerve roots at the neck area of your spine, called cervical spine.

A herniated disk or protruded disk at the cervical spine, bone spurs or narrowing of the spine (spinal stenosis) can cause a compression of the nerve root (at the side part, in the foraminal space), affecting your upper limb, or even the spinal cord (at the central part of the spinal canal), affecting all the four limbs. This can lead to pain, numbness and sometimes weakness affecting the arm-hand, and rarely the whole body below the neck region. This kind of cervical disc disease can affect one or multiple discs at the same time.

Symptoms related to neck problems could include some of the following:

Treatment for Cervico-brachial pain

Initial conservative treatment may help which includes medications, such as anti-inflammatories, painkillers and muscle relaxants, physical therapy, pain clinic and spinal injections.

If the patient does not improves with conservative treatment, our spinal surgeons can proceed with the required surgical treatment to improve the neck problem due to cervical disc herniation, protrusion or related problem.

The main indications for surgery for cases of cervical disc problem, like disc herniation, bone spurs and stenosis, are the following: significant and persistent pain to the arm and/or hand, weakness of the upper limb, similar symptoms affecting the limbs, loss of body movements (compression of the spinal cord).

The spine surgeon usually uses a microsurgical technique to decompress the nerve and/or spinal cord, remove the affected disc, and replace the disc. 

There are other cases where the surgery is performed through the back part of the neck, for posterior decompression and fixation, according to the case.

Cervico - brachial pain

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