Book an Appointment with Dubai's leading Gynecology Surgeons if you have any of the below symptoms:

    Book an Appointment is a digital platform helping patients to connect with top clinics, medical centres and hospitals in Dubai. We help you to book appointments with experienced Gynecology surgeons in Dubai, promising professional treatments & care for your health concerns.

    How do work?

    Gynecology Conditions We Treat:



    A fibroid is a non-cancerous (benign) growth in the wall of the womb (uterus). They are also called uterine myomas, fibromyomas or leiomyomas, with the size varying from person to person. Fibroids can increase in size, decrease in size or it can go away with time. They can occur anywhere in the womb and maybe :-

    1. Intramural fibroids (growth within the muscle tissue of the womb). This is the most common place for fibroids to grow.
    2. Submucous fibroids (growth from the inner wall to the womb cavity.
    3. Subserous fibroids (growth from the womb’s outside wall into the pelvis).
    4. Pedunculated fibroids (growth from the womb wall attached to it by a narrow stalk).


    Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to inner lining of the womb called endometrium is found elsewhere, usually in the pelvis, womb, ovaries and fallopian tubes. It is a common condition and women are more likely to develop endometriosis if women among the family have such a history. Endometriosis usually affects women during their reproductive years.

    Although the cause of endometriosis is not known, research finds how the immune system identifies & responds to endometrial cells in the bodies of women with this condition. 


    Expert Gynecology Services We Provide

    Scarless V notes

    Using a specialized transvaginal access device, vNOTES provides better surgical visibility and increased access to remove the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. The result is a streamlined procedure with a shorter hospital stay (often less than 24 hours), less pain, no external incisions, and no visible scarring. Our expert consists of vNOTES specialized consultant gynecology surgeon in Dubai catering to your immediate women’s health needs.

    Gynecology surgeon in Dubai
    Pelvic Gynaecological Laparoscopy

    Pelvic Gynaecological Laparoscopy

    it is a minimal invasive procedure to inspect and operate on pelvic organs. By using a few small incisions, a camera (laparoscope) and surgical instruments are inserted inside the abdomen and numerous of procedures can be performed without a necessity of open surgery techniques. Gynecological conditions treated via laparoscopy are endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, pelvic organ prolapse.

    We provided gynecological procedures such as

    Fibroids and Endometriosis procedures

    For Fibroids, multiple conservative treatments may be considered if your periods are heavy and the fibroids are small, such inflammatory medicines (ibuprofen or paracetamol), combined oral contraceptive pill (COC), intrauterine system, to name a few.

    Surgical treatment would depend on the condition that is required to remove and treat fibroids such as

    1. Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
    2. Laparoscopic Myomectomy
    3. Uterine artery embolization
    Fibroids And Endometriosis

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        Dr. Antonio Privitera

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        Dr. Usha Kiran

        Consultant Gynaecology Surgeon
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